Nizar Abshi Viral Video
And it is against the morals of education and the organisation is in really big trouble. The reputation of the organisation has been completely demolished and the parents are highly concerned about their children. There have been no comments by the securities and committee of the institution. The president Prof. Abdul Basit Al-Khatib has not spoken a single word about this incident. The university provides various courses in mathematics and sciences. Since 2011, our beloved country, Syria.
Nizar Abshi Video With A Student Full CCTV Footage
That has faced a violent crisis that has affected its anthropogenic, cultural and civilizational structure. The police have started their investigation regarding this matter but there has been no information on the arrest of Professor. The video started surfacing on 12th of august and it happened during the academic year of 2021 and 2022. It is being mentioned that she is a student in her 3rd year in the English department and she was moving towards the 4th year. Reportedly the teacher was blackmailing the female student to get high marks on the subject of literary criticism and if she would not do that then he would fail her. How unfortunate this is that we are living in a modern world and we have to hear such kind of news in the educational world and such kinds of teachers must be restricted and punished accordingly for their crimes. We will be back with some more updates regarding this case till then stay tuned with our website.