Indian Idol 13, 6th November 2022
The show begins with 16 contestants and now the Top 13 are left. With each passing episode, the level of competition is increasing and the audience is enjoying this musical battle. This is the only battle which highly likes by the audience. Apart from it every week new themes and guests appear on the show. Most of the themes are dedicated to a particular famous person who has great contributions in their respected field. Sunday’s episode is particularly dedicated to the iconic and beloved actress Meenakshi Seshadri. The contestants will be seen performing in front of her.
Indian Idol 13 Today’s Full Episode Written Update
As the theme suggests, Hindi cinema actress Meenakshi Seshadri is seen as the guest this weekend. The promos are out which show the chief guest taking musical entry to the stage and getting applauded and welcomed by the contestants as well as with judges. Apart from it, the contestant Shivam will be seen dedicating a song to her which makes her emotional and nostalgic about her old golden days.
Indian Idol 13, 6th November 2022 Elimination Today
In another promo, the contestant Vineet will be seen giving his musical presentation on the hit song titled “Chahu Ga Tujhe Chand Se” and as expected he mesmerized the contestants with his vocals and the guests or judges compliment him and praised his voice. Most of the voices of the contestants are mesmerizing and melodious and have the ability to draw the attention of everyone. That is why people are enjoying it. However, we all know that Sunday’s episode is quite emotional too as the journey of 1 contestant ends and no one wants to go back. But only 1 can become the winner and for that, the contestants need to get eliminated every week. As of now, we just have this many details as only a few promos are released. Most of the social media are showing yesterday’s episode. So readers, don’t forget to go on a musical ride along with this show and be with us to get more details and written updates of upcoming episodes of this and other reality shows.