PMGC 2022 Survival Stage Day 2 Schedule

Total points of 143 and they have played 12 Matches and two chicken dinners to their name. There are 6 remaining matches to be played only three and still there is a chance for them to qualify. On the second ranking, there is an Island side Vampire and they have 71 elimination 65 points 136 total points and 12 matches with one Chicken dinner and they are also looking really solid. In the 4th and 5th place Brazilian teams have a concrete place and they have 55 and 67 elimination respectively with 120 and 119 points.

PMGC 2022 Survival Stage Day 2 Highlights

It is a very close gap. The first match of the day happened between the Saudi Arabian team Power and they did impressive 12 kills with 6 eliminations Japanese cord reject was having a great time and they were enjoying themselves. Talking about the overall rankings then a Japanese team reject is on the top with 29 eliminations 22 12 points and six matches played. In second place, it is the Indonesian team red aliens without 21 elimination 25 rank points and 46 two points with the same amount of matches played.

PMGC 2022 Survival Stage Day 2 Overall Standings

You can support your favourite team on the official website this tournament is prestigious and it offers millions of dollars in the cash prize pool and these teams are giving their best to acquire that reward and make a name for themselves in the online gaming community. E they have been constantly waiting for this tournament and now that it is finally here we will be giving updates about the final of this championship and how the chance is looking for every team to qualify for the next round. The competition is looking really tough and a French team is also challenging these opponents very efficiently and they will not step back without an oven. Talking about some other matches that were played in Miramar and sank. You can watch this event live on the official YouTube channel the knockout stages are coming up next and the competition is going to be more cutthroat and serious from now on. We will be back with some more updates until then stay tuned to our website.


PMGC 2022 Survival Stage Day 2 Schedule  Highlights  Overall Standings  Group Greens Vs Yellow Teams   More  - 68PMGC 2022 Survival Stage Day 2 Schedule  Highlights  Overall Standings  Group Greens Vs Yellow Teams   More  - 89PMGC 2022 Survival Stage Day 2 Schedule  Highlights  Overall Standings  Group Greens Vs Yellow Teams   More  - 28PMGC 2022 Survival Stage Day 2 Schedule  Highlights  Overall Standings  Group Greens Vs Yellow Teams   More  - 53