Rand Gauthier Leaked Video

The series is just nine episodes per season, yet it covers a lot of material. It also has a few interesting stories to tell, such as Jason Mantzoukas portraying Lee’s genitalia. Yes, you got that correctly. After decades of training on the guy’s house, Lambert and his crew were dismissed for suspected bad craftsmanship in 1996, and the family declined to earn that money previously completed. Gauthier worked as a builder and engineer at Lee’s home. Lee hired him to restore his house, but the temperamental rocker ran up massive costs that he refused to accept.

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee Sex Tape Scandal

Gauthier was employed at a pornographic production in West Angeles at the time. He initially took the videotape there, in which he and a colleague created duplicates before burning the source. He was now out for vengeance. He needed the percussionist to uncomfortable, to understand that he’s just a regular guy, not an indestructible great musician. Gauthier alleges the firearm event “mucked with his brain,” and he meant to take Lee down a few pegs or three by selling the sexual fantasy. The owner of the production house, Milton Ingley, produced duplicates of the video and burned the source. The cassettes were passed around among Ingley and Boucher. Gauthier recommended that the suggested company distribute the cassette by postal purchase online, creating an incognito webpage from which anyone may purchase the cassette separately. Furthermore, information and release date will be available really soon. For more stories stay tuned to the sites.